
Sunday, February 5, 2012

In Time

Since morning I started counting down my time left at home. My leave pass expires at 2300H, all officer cadets know the consequences of coming back late. To have a better idea what will happen, just need a word to describe - DEAD. I recall the movie In Time, where human on earth were given 25 years of time, once u become 25 years old, time will start depleting till u have no more time and face death. All daily trading was based on time. u buy food with time, only with time u can buy car, time is really like gold in that movie. If u have a million years, then u make millionaire. 

The same thing is happening to me, if I don't get back to UPNM before time ends, I will "die". In my case, I will never make millionaire even if I stay here forever. counting down to death time will be temporarily frozen if u get back in time.

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