when i was young, I hated travelling very much especially to the North.
some people say "one day u will love what u hate today".
So right now, I'm back to Penang again. Believe it or not, I love coming to Penang very much. I have lots of friends here, super nice ones. So I called up Alvin a day before my arrival, without hesitating he offered me his house. He even fetch me from the bus stop at 1am! from far I could recognize his volkswagen GTI, his front light was white and glaring, the one and only car with white light at the traffic light. Once I arrived, I contacted all people who care for me. It makes me feel loved and pampered when they're so concern about me.
even Ironman has his soft spot.
Alvin brought me for supper coz I told him my gastric is hurting me. I had very light meal, Kuew Teow Teng only. I miss spicy food very much, too bad I can't have it any more. My night ended a little late, 2.30am in the morning. However, I had a hard time trying to sleep. Probably I've set my mind that I don't come Penang to waste my time sleeping. I texted Gee Yang informing him about my arrival. He replied 3am in the morning and asked me to go running 8am next morning. That was like 5 hours later. I was thinking, this guy is a little crazy, but I like that craziness in him.
4am I was still awake. couldn't sleep well, and I thought of going swimming. 7am I woke up, then I shook Gee Yang up, asked him to go gym. Gradually increased my speed till I reached 16 before I start my cooling down. Next was him on the treadmill, he did very well and need very minor correction on his arm swing only. So I spent some time sharing some endurance nutrition tips with him, hoping that he can gain more endurance. I like sharing knowledge, will be better if I can learn something in return. Learning is lifelong, no ending.

Instead of taking the disgusting whey protein after our workout, we had the delicious Tau Fu Fa to rebuild muscles. Rich in protein, and tastes so good. 30 minutes after training is the best time to replenish our body with "fast food", food that will make you fast!

this tiny shop, u will surely miss it when u drive pass. It looks dark and gloomy, but when u enter u will see golden colour mouth watering Tau Sar Pia nicely displayed. Alvin has been a very good tour guide since I was here 4 months back. I introduced him to Gee Yang, and I always say he is my landlord. once a landlord, forever a landlord. haha.

Only Penang Kia can bring u to secluded place like this.
"Michael once asked me, will u still come Penang after this if u aren't happy?"
I've kept my promise, and I come back to Penang again and again to meet them=)
I've promised to tell the history of chopstick, supposed to be a bed time story.
Guess it has been forgotten already. So I'll just blog about it, just to keep my promise.
Once upon a time in China, a widower couldn't afford to buy rice and meat for his kids. This poor man wanted to educate his kids to eat politely despite living in poverty. He could neither afford to buy eating utensils nor supply them with 3 meals a day. He had the thought that his hungry kids will fight for food, so he went into the jungle and chopped bamboo to make chopsticks. with chopsticks, his kids eat politely and pick up very tiny piece of food every time. So, all of them get to taste the dish and enjoy the meal.
I know I suck in telling stories. =p
nice one=)

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