I'm writing this for my prettiest friend...
Dear Jamie Ng Pui Zjin,
For 6 years we have known each other but this is the very first time I get to celebrate your birthday with u. May all your wishes come true and a year older will make u wiser in making serious decisions.=) no more tossing coin okay? =) we had a great time yesterday, I enjoyed the Korean food and frozen yoghurt in midvalley. However, having u sitting next to me watching our 2nd movie the 3 musketeers was a big distraction. I don't even know what I was watching. Knowing u for 6 years but we watched only 2 movies? That's weird. We gotta watch more next time.=p we have gone through thick and thin along the way, arguments and period of not talking. whatever it is, thanks for everything, especially your moral support during MUDS 2011. U are part of my success.
I hope u will keep your promise to run with me wearing your new balance Barringer. I will always remember that. Walk your talk. Don't waste the birthday present, run with it on the treadmill and exercise more. We don't know what will happen in the future, right now u are one person I care very much and I really enjoy your company.
Last but not least, enjoy to the fullest while u can. I wanna see u happy! =)
Jun Shen
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peh,dlm hati ade taman!
Ha ha ha, nice one Jun Shen. Treasure it!
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