2nd day we had course opening ceremony monitored by Lt Mohd Thahar, then officiate by the Commanding Officer Captain Hatim. in that ceremony, i did a silly mistake which was i didn't walk fast enough to stop CO and report to him. he walked in with brisk steps and i was so shock and nervous. within seconds he is standing in front of his seat, asking "any song? anybody report????"
i dashed to the front, salute, and report. "kekuatan pegawai kadet dan pegawai kadet kanan...."
then he raised his voice " WHY ARE U NOT REPORTING IN ENGLISH!!??"
i kept mum for a moment, then "the strength of officer cadets and midshipmen is 133, present in hall 132, one on leave, SIR!"
fuh, luckily i managed to report in english fluently. i warned the cadets not to sleep. else, they'll be reporting to my room after roll call. good enough, no body sleeps. mission accomplished.
i set realistic goals for myself that i expect myself to achieve, or at least close to achieve. first few days here we've been making tiny mistakes. we're officers under training, trial and error, learn and remember, is part and parcel of our life. i report to those Lieutenant's room every night without fail, together with Zaim Samsuddin. i have to give credit to my seniors who insisted me to report to them every night, i learned so much from them and they sincerely advice me based on their experience.
day 3 morning, reported to Sekolah Kejuruteraan. met Lt Abdul Halim bin Abdul Jamil. he asked me the hierarchy of KD Pelandok and sekolah kejuruteraan, luckily i can answer. but when he asked who is the Pegawai tadbir, i can't answer. we didn't report there with appointment letter, so we got punished by running under the hot sun for 3 rounds wearing 2 bravo.
day 4 in Sekolah Kejuruteraan, learned about torpedoes and missiles. all the country's assets, highly restricted. coincidentally, my instructor is a duathlete. so we share common interest and had a great chat in class=)
Lt Sabri warned us to demand for salute from the other ranks since we're midshipmen, we entitle for salute. at first i find it hard to tell the other ranks. they're older than me, and i asked them to salute me? according to the rule, we deserve the salute, but hot to make this happen?
so, on our way back to KDSI 1, i halt my whole squad in front of the gate. i marched to the sentry, the guard immediately stood up.
i told him, "my officer saw u didn't salute us when we pass by. the next time he sees this happen, BOTH of us will be charged! your mistake for not saluting me, and my mistake for not ensuring you to salute me. are u clear?! THIS IS THE REQUIREMENT OF ROYAL MALAYSIAN NAVY, understand?"
we both understand each other, then he salute me. some of my batch mates didn't believe that i will make him salute me, and finally i prove to them that I CAN!!! another task accomplished.
becoming the Commanding Officer of Midshipmen and Cadets is not an easy task. this is a good start to test myself.
at night, i'll prepare my room for night round. i have to lay out my shining shoes and stretch my bed before leaving for class.
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