just one reminder for readers, the guy who punish u, won't kill u. u just feel like dying by u're still breathing, heart still pumping. human beings are not so fragile, we're built to be tougher than we thought. so try and push to the limit.
just now i was discussing with Eddy Hiew my good friend about scholarships, we were talking about our siblings and their further studies compared to us.
then we talked about loan. if a children were to study medicine, the parents need a huge amount of money to support the study fees. approximately 100K ringgit EXCLUDING food and accommodation. engineering might need less. whatever it is, higher learning require high tuition fees.
and the children might say "when i'm out there working, i'll pay back my parents".
haha how true that is, i do not know. because i don't owe my parents my degree. i owe them transportation from house to my uni almost weekly they send me in and out from setiawangsa to sungai besi. by the time the children is working, they'll have their commitment for family, and parents will be forgotten (or may be less attention) , i can bet. here comes the question, when will they pay back their parent's money?
so the old man will wait long long for the money to return, some even ended up in old folks home. in our case (me and eddy hiew) , we're flying on our own. the worst case if i got sacked from this university, i will feel bad for myself and embarrass my family, but not THAT bad. because surviving in UPNM is just the matter of facing challenges everyday, even the unnecessary ones, that's why we DESERVE our pay. follow orders and training, be a good survivor.
anyway, if u're rich enough or born with golden spoon in the mouth, parents with deep deep pocket, surviving UPNM is not necessary, u can have some other enjoyable alternative which offer u better freedom.
some people call it "Universiti Penat Nak Mampus". at first the senior management got very angry with that name. but weeks ago, somebody said : "itz true that cadet's life is tiring".
no doubt staying here is a little bit tiring and i also don't know why i still race Ironman, ample rest is Never enough. can hardly get a cadet suffering insomia. that cadet must be superhuman.
so those who have insomia, since u don't want to sleep, why not u donate your sleeping hours to me, i desperately need it and i'll be very thankful of your kindness=)
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